Thursday, February 26, 2015

Learning Management Systems for SharePoint

A few of my clients have inquired about LMS systems for SharePoint. What I found is that most of them focus on on-premises deployments, mostly because they've been around since the WSS3.0/MOSS days. It also seems that they have their own databases and custom web parts to work with content. But over all they seem to be competent and fairly feature compatible with Moodle.

So this is list is by no means exhaustive, but I think it gives a pretty good jumping off comparison between Moodle, SharePoint LMS, and ShareKnowledge (the latter two being SharePoint integrated LMS systems).

Feature Moodle SharePoint LMS ShareKnowledge LMS
Supervisor Assigned Course Yes Yes Yes
Elecctive Courses Yes Yes Yes
Cohort Enrollment (Group Enrollment) Yes Yes Yes
Guest Access Yes Yes**** Yes****
Course Tracks Yes Yes Yes
Category Enrollment (Enroll in courses by category) Yes
External Database Yes
Flat Files Yes
IMS Enterprise Yes
LDAP Enrollment Yes
Mnet - Linked Moodle Sites Yes
PayPal Yes
User Interface      
Responsive Design Yes Yes*** Yes***
Personalised Dashboards Yes Yes Yes
Collaborative Tools Yes Yes Yes
Calendar Yes Yes Yes
Drag & Drop Files Yes Yes Yes
Web based Text Editor Yes Yes Yes
Notifications Yes Yes Yes
Progress tracking  Yes Yes Yes
Customizable Site Design Yes Yes Yes
Multilingual Capabilities Yes Yes Yes
Bulk Corse Creation Yes Yes Yes*
Social Tagging Yes Yes
Integrated Access Controls Yes Yes Yes
Course Capabilities      
Platform based Course & Quiz Yes Yes Yes
Randomized Questions Yes
Time Limits Yes
SCORM Integration Yes Yes Yes
AICC Integration Yes Yes
LTI External Web Site Integration Yes
Instructor Lead Course Yes Yes Yes
Self-paced Course Yes Yes Yes
Blended Instructor/Self-paced Yes Yes Yes
Multi Media Integration Yes Yes Yes
Peer and Self Assessment Yes
Gradebook Yes Yes Yes
Scaled Grading Yes Yes Yes
Course Privacy Yes Yes Yes
Version Control Yes
Course Certificates Yes Yes Yes
Built in Reports Yes Yes Yes
Integrated Report Builder Yes Yes Yes
External Integration Yes**
AD Synchronization Yes
HRIS Sintegration Yes
Outlook Claendar & Notifications Yes
WebEx, Lync, GoToWebinar, AdobyConnect Yes
* ShareKnowledge has a bulk question load capabilitiy as well
** Via SQL Server Reporting Services or other BI Reporting tools
*** Responsive Design must be built into the SharePoint installation
**** Guest Users must be authenticated

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