Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Removing Document Edit Protections from Word DOCX files

Ever wanted to edit a Word document that had editing disabled?  Typically you need to have a password to be able to edit the file, but if you really want to get rid of it, there's a pretty straight forward process.

  1. Unzip the DOCX file (it's just a ZIP file after all) into a directory some where.
      • This produces the following:
        • [Content_Types].xml
        • _rels (sub directory)
        • docProps (sub directory)
        • word (sub directory)
  2. Using your favorite text editor (I used VIM), edit the file word/settings.xml
  3. Remove the XML tag:  <w:documentProtection/>
  4. Zip up the three (3) directories and the [Content_Types].xml file and make sure the extension on the zip file is DOCX.

You're ready to go.  You've now removed the protections on a Word Document.  Be careful with your new found powers, young padawan.

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